One of our fundraising campaigns this year is dedicated to raising money to provide tools and equipment for high-school level automotive classes, which otherwise would not have sufficient budget allocated for all of the things the instructors would like to teach. While we would like to partner with schools around the province, we are starting out with Stellys Secondary School in Central Saanich.
Pharoahs Car Club of British Columbia is not set up as a charitable entity under CRA regulations at this time, so any donations, while greatly appreciated, do not receive a tax receipt.
Currently, we have partnered with KMS tools to set up a province-wide account. When a Pharoahs member links their personal KMS account to the Pharoahs BC account, we receive credit towards future purchases. If all Pharoahs members who have a KMS account did this, we would receive credits for every purchase that could eventually be redeemed under this program for tools and equipment for schools. Linking you account is easy to do. At the bottom of the KMS home page on their website you will find a link for Group Rewards.
If you select this link you will be guided to a form that you fill out with the details of your personal account, and you can then link to the Pharoahs BC account. Be sure to select the BC account, as their may be other local Pharoahs chapters in the list. Those accounts are simply for local purchases. All Pharoahs chapters participate in this program through the BC account.
As we work to bring in more partners and raise money through events and advertisers we will keep you posted on our progress. Thanks to all who have contributed their time, effort, and money to this project!