Refund Policy for Pharoahs Purchases

To obtain a refund on a product that was delivered to you, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

Your right to obtain a refund lasts only for a limited time. Your request for a refund must be made to us within 30 days of the date of purchase. We must receive your purchased products and a copy of your purchase transcript or receipt, if any was issued. No refund will be made until these requirements have been met.

Pharoahs Car Club is not responsible for any lost or misdirected email or other correspondence, or other communication system delays beyond our control. If you are concerned that your emailed request for a refund or your required documentation may not have been received due to Internet or delivery service issues, spam filters or for any other reason, it is your sole responsibility to ensure that a written copy of the required information and the returned product(s) have been delivered to us. You are encouraged to keep a record of the date posted, and copies of the original receipt/transcript or other correspondence.

To request a refund please use the Contact Us page or send an email directly to the account from which you received your confirmation of purchase and transcript/receipt. Please put the words “Refund Request” in the subject line.

Pharoahs South Vancouver Island reserves the right to refuse a request for a refund on invalid grounds (e.g., “…my spouse bought this without asking me first.”).

If you have any questions or concerns about this refund policy, please contact us prior to making any purchases.


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